
Instant Polarity

2018-06-01T03:40:46-04:00February 14th, 2016|Interviews|

(Excerpted from David Deida’s interview in Common Ground magazine, February 2016.)

Common Ground: As a man, I too want increased masculine polarity and third-stage sexuality with a woman, as you describe it. But how?

David Deida: That is easy to do; you could learn to do it […]

Deep Purpose

2016-02-15T14:54:27-05:00February 14th, 2016|Interviews|

(Excerpted from David Deida’s interview in Common Ground magazine, February 2016.)

Common Ground: You speak about the importance of mission and purpose, particularly for a man. That’s a tricky subject because it seems that most people are constantly searching for that.

David Deida: You are your mission, […]

What Is Ravishment?

2016-02-14T11:15:34-05:00January 31st, 2016|Interviews|

(Excerpted from David Deida’s interview in Common Ground magazine, February 2016.)

Common Ground: What do you mean when you speak about a man ravishing a woman?

David Deida: First, it means that the man has to be in touch with God or with the depth of this […]

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