Beyond Success and Suicide: How Men Grow from Burden to Freedom

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Year: 2018
Track Length: 1hr 26mins

  • Common mistakes men make when their lives feel meaningless
  • Today’s culture lacks a clear path into deep freedom, so men don’t know what to do besides consider ending their burdensome life
  • How the nothingness men crave through suicide, drugs, and future escape is accessible instantly for men who are ready
  • The emptiness that successful men feel is not a problem, but the very doorway into true freedom.
  • How men can transition gracefully from a time-driven life of purpose to an awareness-driven life of spontaneous creation
  • Understanding the huge shift from working toward fulfillment in the future to the discipline of relaxing into timeless openness, instantly, in the always present moment
  • How men can retrain old habits of working toward success in the new practice of their deep consciousness expressing itself creatively through the whole body, including sexually
  • As a man’s life and relationships are growing through obsolescence, how to discuss this new phase heart-to-heart with an intimate partner


Why do successful men consider – or commit – suicide?

In this intimate conversation, David Deida discusses the sense of emptiness that can overtake successful men at a certain stage of their lives. Day after day, night after night, they come to sense their life is meaningless. Their love relationship or career—even getting out of bed—can feel like a burden. What once was the purpose of their life no longer inspires them. Everything feels like a trap of obligations. They want out.

How does a man escape this sense of burden?

When a man’s life feels meaningless, it may simply indicate that their way of living has grown obsolete. At this point, men can outgrow this phase into true freedom. When a man’s life of purpose, success, and achievement has run its course, there is another step. In this conversation, David discusses how men can take this next step from burden into authentic, open-ended freedom.

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