Audio Store

  • David Deida - Live Recordings
    Year: June 2016
    Length: 00:58:14
    Format: Instant download mp3

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  • 11 New Tracks, 1.5 Hours on Love, Sex, and Divine Dildos
    Recorded live in January 2017
    Length: 01:29:30
    Format: Instant download mp3

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    How to Love Resistance


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  • David Deida - Live Recordings
    Year: March 2016
    Length: 00:47:57
    Format: Instant download mp3

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  • Recorded Live in Boulder, Colorado
    Year: September 2016
    Total Length: 03:03:27
    Format: Instant download mp3

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    Part I

    Part II

    Part III

  • David Deida - Live Recordings
    Year: 2013
    Length: 1 hour
    Format: Instant download mp3

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  • David Deida - Live Recordings
    Year: June 2016
    Length: 00:59:23
    Format: Instant download mp3

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  • Total Length: 1hr 02mins
    Format: mp3 download

    Track titles:

    1. When Awareness on Awareness is More Interesting than She
    2. Practicing with a Woman to Surrender
    3. Turning Her on with Your Voice
    4. Attending to Your Thoughts as Your Woman
    5. Golf and Her Pleasure in Not Opening
    6. Do Art with Her Emotions
    7. Tracking Her Heart at the Edges of Darkness
    8. Worshipping the Goddess
    9. Sex Beyond Surface                                   

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    Tracking Her Heart At The Edges Of Darkness

  • David Deida - Live Recordings
    Year: 2008-2009
    Length: 1 hour
    Format: Instant download mp3

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  • David Deida - Live Recordings
    Year: 2008
    Length: 1 hour
    Format: Instant download mp3


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  • David Deida – The Complete Recordings, Vol. I
    Year: 2000
    Length: Part I - 01:05:59; Part II - 01:05:59
    Format: Instant download mp3

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    Part I

    Part II

  • David Deida - Live Recordings
    Year: 2010
    Length: 1 hour
    Format: Instant download mp3

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  • David Deida - Live Recordings
    Length: 1 hour
    Format: Instant download mp3

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  • David Deida - Live Recordings
    Length: 1 hour
    Year: 2012
    Format: Instant download mp3


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  • Total Length: 1hr 26mins
    Format: mp3 download

    Track titles:

    1. Conscious Emotions
    2. Is Your Man a Beautiful Wobbler?
    3. Soft-bodied Men, Authenticity, and Sexual Reciprocity
    4. Deep Sexiness is Responsive and Never Enough
    5. Lovemaking as Conscious Dance
    6. Practicing Presence in the Gargoyle’s Den
    7. How to Bite Your Lover

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    Soft-bodied Men, Authenticity, and Sexual Reciprocity

  • Freedom, power, fear, money, sex, enlightenment, death, wisdom, excellence, challenge, transcendence, purpose--living at your edge is the masculine form of spiritual practice. In these recordings, David lays down in crystal clear terms what it takes to live a masculine life of integrity, authenticity, and depth.

    Part 1: 1:30:32
    Part 2: 1:02:23 Year: 1999

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  • David Deida - Live Recordings
    Year: 2008-2009
    Length: 1 hour
    Format: Instant download mp3

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  • David Deida - Live Recordings
    Year: 2010
    Length: 1 hour
    Format: Instant download mp3

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  • Total Length: 1hr 21mins
    Format: mp3 download

    Track titles:

    1. Growing In Love’s Duet
    2. Beyond Masculine and Feminine
    3. The Artful Play of Polarity
    4. Heart-Wisdom, Trauma, and Skill with Men
    5. How to Be Irresistible to a Deep Man
    6. Awakening His Presence with Your Pain
    7. Love is Effortless, Sex Requires Training
    8. You’re Serving or You’re Suffering
    9. Why Practice?
    10. Attention is Devotion
    11. Staying Conscious Through Layers of Ecstasy
    12. Your Problems Create Your Gifts


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    Your Problems Create Your Gifts

  • Practices of love that transform those patterns of behavior which limit our intimacies, popping us through the patterns to the ecstasy of love-bliss that lies waiting on the other side.

    Track Length: 1:42:41
    Year: 2000

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  • Total Length: 1hr 26mins
    Format: mp3 download

    Track titles:

    1. What Do Men Feel?
    2. How to Love Her with Humor and Tears
    3. Gifting and Not Diminishing a Strong Woman
    4. The Erotics of Speech
    5. The Pleasure of Helplessness
    6. Stop Waiting for the Next Moment
    7. Outgrow Your Need to be Seen
    8. The Yoga of Full-Spectrum Sexual Flow

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